
I have been blessed to work with the youth for over twenty years now. It was 22 years ago the Lord placed upon my heart to start the Faith Walk Christian Drama Team. The program would allow teens and young adults to be a part of a powerful ministry and it would allow them to grow closer to Christ through serving Him, and utilizing the gifts God has given each of us, so Christ can be glorified through us.

Since the very beginning God has had His hand in making this ministry what it is today. We began by using simple 5 minute skits, but God had bigger plans than any of us could have ever imagined. As the years passed the Lord has magnified and increased this teams abilities with powerful on stage presentations and videos to make up a full length program filled with drama and passion of what God’s love can do in our lives. This entire presentation is completely guided by the Holy Spirit and each year He blesses us with an even more amazing program. We praise God for all the work that he continues to do and the messages he continues to give this Faith Walk team.

Diana Davis